The Gospel of John’s account of Jesus calling his first disciples provides the foundation for this week’s worship. In addition to the liturgy, scripture and hymns, the bulletin contains prayer requests, announcements, mission moments and much more!
JANUARY 12, 2020
The Baptism of Christ is an opportunity to remember Jesus baptism and reflect on the meaning of our own baptisms. This bulletin contains liturgy, scripture and hymns as well as announcements, prayer concerns and mission moments.
JANUARY 5, 2020
We celebrate Epiphany on this first Sunday of the new year. The journey of the wise ones from the east and the promises of the prophets inspire our worship. In addition to the worship notes, our bulletin contains prayer concerns, news of our congregation, mission moments and more.
DECEMBER 29, 2019
The First Sunday After Christmas is a special service in our congregation each year. We have a more informal service. The children are invited to come to the front the sanctuary and play with the various creche sets that are put out for their use. They remain up front for as much of the service as they like. We sing favorite Christmas carols and enjoy the season.